Dentro de este libro
Estos son algunos de los secretos que descubrirás.

Este libro te ahorrará años de prueba y error, como dificultades que
Evitan que progreses en Calistenia…. ¡en menos de 200 páginas!
El mayor desafío que enfrentan la mayoría de los atletas de Calistenia es no saber por dónde empezar. Sí, de hecho, hay específicamente 3 ejercicios que debes dominar al inicio de tu viaje en calistenia. En este libro detallamos las técnicas exactas sobre cómo desbloquear estos ejercicios con una forma limpia y perfecta.
Una escápula débil = un atleta débil. La escápula es la base central o el núcleo de toda la capacidad como atleta de Calistenia. En este libro cubrimos a detalle cómo fortalecer tu escápula en todos los planos anatómicos posibles.
Este libro cubre los secretos sobre cómo fortalecer tus muñecas y antebrazos, así como realizar ejercicios de Calistenia utilizando todo tipo de colocación de manos y agarre en piso y en barra.
Una gran parte de este libro cubre poderosos secretos sobre cómo lograr los fundamentos de fuerza para las dos habilidades de calistenia más impresionantes, el front lever y la planche.
Los 100 secretos de Calistenia te ayudarán a construir una mentalidad inquebrantable y segura de un atleta de Calistenia fuerte, hábil y completo.
Muchos atletas creen que necesitan levantar pesas para desarrollar músculo. En Bodysthenics le mostraremos cómo este es el mayor mito y le proporcionaremos los ejercicios de hipertrofia más eficaces que te harán lucir estético y fuerte.
Esta sección cubrirá ejercicios de rehabilitación específicamente para atletas de calistenia. Combinado con todos nuestros poderosos secretos en este libro, podrá entrenar de manera constante, óptima y sin riesgo de lesiones.

Los 100 secretos de Calistenia está disponible tanto en formato digital como impreso.
QUIERO MI COPIA AHORA!Blueprint of Calisthenics
This book is key, it’s a must. From the basics to advanced telling you what exercises are needed and how they play a role in your training. There are many variations shown of all exercises. This book is the blueprint of calisthenics.
A very engaging and motivating calisthenics book!
This book was one of the most enjoyable sports books I have ever had the pleasure to read. The moment I began reading I got so engaged in its content and felt numerous bulbs light up inside my head.
It has helped me understand multiple things in such a short period of time, most importantly is my progress in calisthenics and how my workout is designed in the form of building blocks, beginning with a strong foundation that supports not only my progress but also my longevity in the sport.
Jonny has been my coach for almost 6 months now and he’s been taking me through everything this book covers. I have seen tremendous progress in everything beginning with my basics, endurance, strength, skills and even my physique!!!
In my humble opinion, it is a must read not only for beginners and aspiring young athletes but also intermediate and advanced athletes as it serves as a great reminder of the importance of basics as well as perfect form in achieving measurable and incremental success.
My favourite secret is #85 but don’t get me wrong, the other 99 secrets are equally important for any calisthenics athlete irrespective of their level or goals!
Learning more about George and Jonny, and the obstacles/challenges they’ve had (and still have) to face was an additional eye opener and that extra bit of motivation.
100 calisthenics secrets is a very engaging and motivating sports book and I highly recommend purchasing it. It is excellent value for money and the benefits largely outweigh the cost.
Thank you Bodysthenics for a great addition to your products and services 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This book covers A-Z of Calisthenics
Best book due to how it is structured with in depth explanations of each exercise and how to progress each time you train. I have been training with George for almost a year now and this book seriously covers everything that I have learned and more that I didn’t know about. If you are a serious calisthenics athlete, this is a must book for you!!